RMG is approved to implement CMMI Institute model projects

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Renad Almajed Group (RMG) is approved to implement CMMI Institute model implementation projects

A large part of the focus of Renad Almajed Group (RMG) is on providing secure solutions. Overall reliability and quality the company has been able to meet the global quality standards and within our quest to expand the technical consulting and software engineering field we are pleased to announce that we have been accredited by the American Institute (CMMI Institute) to carry out and make the CMMI model.

CMMI is a model for improving the processes within the content of the processes required to deliver high-quality programming products. This model increases the level of organization performance by much improving the predictability and expansion of the project.

CMMI is a framework that describes the key elements of effective business process development and service delivery to help achieve business goals related to key elements: Cost, time management, and quality improvement of products or services. This model helps an organization build, improve, measure its capabilities, and improve performance.

CMMI-based process optimization provides real cost savings such as early and more efficient error detection, thereby reducing repair cost, more effective change management and risk reduction in software, product, and service development.

The integrity of the Capability maturity Model integration addresses three areas of concern:

  • Product and service development – CMMI for Development (CMMI-DEV)
  • Service Creation and Management – (CMMI-SVC) CMMI for Services
  • Product and Service Acquisition – (CMMI-ACQ) CMMI for Acquisition

RMG is approved to implement CMMI Institute model projects

The benefits of organizations measuring their progress through a CMMI can be summarized as follows:

  • Determine how well an organization’s operations are compared to global CMMI practices, and identify areas where improvement can be made.
  • Inform customers and external suppliers of the quality of their operations compared to CMMI.
  • Create your operations according to the internationally recognized CMM model.
  • Design, implement and operate your operations according to internationally recognized maturity levels.
  • Meet the contractual requirements of one or more clients with high quality and maturity levels.

Many examples of global companies have successfully implemented the CMMI model, and this application has had a significant positive impact, such as The Boeing Company and General Motors Company, where the success rate in projects increased from 50% before application to 90% after application and provided more Of two million dollars as a result of the early detection of errors and software vulnerabilities in Sanchez Computer, as well as Northrop Grumman obtaining an exceptional appreciation in all contracts that it implemented for its customers after applying the model.

In Saudi Arabia, the National Information Center obtained the fourth level as the first entity in the Middle East to obtain this rank and the Municipality of Jeddah Governorate obtained a certificate (CMMI) – Capability Maturity Model Integration) as the first government agency in the municipal sector to achieve this certificate at the level of the Gulf Cooperation Council states .

Through this accreditation, Renad Almajed Group (RMG), as a partner of the CMMI Institute, is pleased to provide the following services:

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