(Qiyas) Digital Transformation Index (2024)

Get ready and start preparing now for the journey of measuring government digital transformation

Based on the Digital Government Authority’s keenness, in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, to update and develop indicators and standards in a manner consistent with the best global recommendations for digital government, comes the Measurement of Government Digital Transformation 2024.

Highlight the digital competence and development of your government organization by preparing well to measure the upcoming government digital transformation


What is the index of government digital transformation?

Measuring government digital transformation is defined as a work methodology followed based on an indicator to measure the extent of government agencies’ commitment to digital transformation standards and diagnose their current situation in applying digital technologies, to support them in moving to the peak of digital maturity in accordance with the latest international standards consistent with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which aims to achieve government digital excellence.

The most important benefits of measuring government digital transformation 2024:

  • Improving the level of performance and effectiveness of government agencies
  • Supporting and developing government digital transformation
  • Improving the quality of services provided to beneficiaries
  • Raising levels of government agencies’ commitment to orders and decisions related to digital transformation
  • Contributing to the progress of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in international indicators
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To help you excel and obtain the highest evaluations in measurement (Qiyas), we prepare integrated plans and methodologies for development and provide you with the best consultations through specialized experts.

Contact us now 055223965505558762330546379900

What are the components of measurement (Qiyas) 2024:

It consists of:

  • The first sub-index: It is an index that focuses on the standards derived from the decisions of the Council of Ministers, royal decrees, and circulars, where the number of standards has become 52 standards.
  • The second sub-index: It is an index that focuses on digital transformation standards, and their number is 73 standards.

The main differences between the Tenth Measurement and the Government Transformation Measurement 2024:

Each version of the measurement presents some differences and new developments from the previous version. Perhaps the most notable differences between the tenth and current measurement are summarized as follows:

The Tenth MeasurementGovernment Measurement 2024
111 standards125 standards
7 perspectives7 perspectives
12 topics14 topics
19 axes19 axes

Perspectives for measuring government digital transformation 2024:

There was no change in the number of perspectives in measuring digital transformation, as it remained constant at seven perspectives as in the tenth measurement, which consists of:

  1. The Strategy
  2. Organization and Culture
  3. Processes
  4. Technology
  5. Data
  6. Services
  7. Beneficiary
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Adding new standards:

The number of measurement standards reached 125, while the number of standards for the tenth measurement reached 111 standards, with 14 new standards added on the following axes:

In general, it can be said that 28% of the content of the standards and documentation has been modified.

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Government Digital Transformation Axes:

The current version of the measurement divides the digital transformation standards into 19 axes, so that the axes remain constant and consistent with the number of axes in the tenth measurement, but with slight modifications to some of the axis names in accordance with the new standards, so that the axes become as follows:

Axis numberAxis nameAxis numberAxis name
5.1Planning for Digital Transformation5.11Infrastructure of Technological Services
5.2Development of Digital Transformation Leaders5.12Data Management and Governance
5.3Enterprise Architecture5.13Open Data
5.4Enhancement of Capabilities Supporting Digital Transformation5.14Quality of Digital Services
5.5Enhancement of Digital Culture and Environment5.15Shared Systems & Services
5.6Digital Transformation Governance5.16Service Delivery Channel
5.7Procedures and Operations Management5.17Beneficiary Participation
5.8Digital Transformation Project Management5.18Enhancing Relationship with Beneficiary
5.9Business Continuity and Risk Management5.19Beneficiary Experience
5.10Applying Government Resource Planning (GRP) System

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We are pleased to provide advice and support, as the company has developed a new package of effective tools and solutions that help raise the level of commitment on your part. One of the most important services that will be available to you in an instant is your contact with us.

Contact us now 055223965505558762330546379900

The services provided by Renad Almajd Consultancy Company (RMG) to assist in preparing entities to measure government digital transformation

Renad Al Majd Company provides specialized consultants with experience in the fields of digital transformation in general, and measuring digital transformation in particular, to harness the accumulated experience it has that resulted from keeping pace with measuring digital transformation from its beginnings, all the way to the development and improvement reached by the Digital Government Authority approved standards, by benefiting from the experiences of measuring digital transformation over the previous years to provide the following services:

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Why choose Renad Al Majd Consultancy (RMG) to help prepare entities for measurement?

Renad Al Majd Consultancy (RMG) is characterized by a number of competitive advantages that make it the first choice for all entities wishing to develop the percentage of commitment with government digital measurement standards. The most prominent of these advantages are:

company's ability to bring many government The agencies to advanced levels during previous measurement cycles.

The company excels in working on digital integration standards between agencies, as it worked to hold 11 workshops for a large number of agencies to help them respond to the requirements of digital integration between government agencies.

The company has a large portfolio of distinguished training programs covering digital transformation axes, starting from strategic planning to training of digital transformation leaders and digital transformation governance, all the way to data management and beneficiary experience.

Helping many entities obtain distinguished awards in past measurement cycles.

The company has developed several distinct technical tools that help control achievement and monitor performance during work by presenting performance indicators to senior leaders.

The company established a special measurement center that provides design, translation, editing, review, improvement, development, and proposal services for creative ideas.

The company has a quality office that carries out audits and reviews through a specialized team.

How Renad Al Majd Consultancy (RMG) works to help prepare entities for government digital measurement

The company’s keeping pace with developments in digital transformation standards from the beginning of its launch until it reaches the current level of maturity has given it a competitive advantage that is not available to many consulting companies.

The work mechanism adopted by Renad Al Majd Company is based on helping clients comply with the requirements for measuring government digital transformation, starting with conducting an initial assessment of enterprise maturity in the field of digital transformation based on the requirements of the Digital Government Authority and providing advice on the necessary development and improvement of the digital environment, based on full compliance with the standards derived from decisions, royal orders, and circulars, including the requirements of digital transformation standards, which are divided into the basic axes of the principles of digital transformation. Ultimately, the measurement aims to measure the extent of the commitment of government agencies, ministries, public entities and organizations, and agencies with public legal personality. Developing and improving these standards in accordance with the requirements of the entities on an internal scale, while maintaining a high degree of awareness of the necessity of coordination and integration with other entities, in order to achieve complete integration at the level of government agencies, ministries, public entities and organizations in the various sectors of their work, and this is what the Management and The consultants of Renad Al Majd Company is keen on doing and are committed to achieving the comprehensive vision of integration, as it constantly holds training workshops and conferences, as well as sponsoring initiatives and projects aimed at achieving the desired integration, so that it becomes an approach that is always followed and is not limited to measurement projects for digital transformation.

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We cannot fail to mention that we, at Renad Al Majd Company, are always keen to reach our clients not only in the field of commitment or integration, but also to help provide advice on initiatives and projects that achieve creativity in the field of digital transformation.

Based on our accumulated experience stemming from our cooperation with many ministries, organizations and government agencies in various areas of digital transformation, which helped provide the necessary consultations in order to reach high rankings in measuring digital transformation across multiple and successive versions of it, and we have many success stories, which is considered the result of joint cooperation with these clients, as it has resulted in achieving the desired goals in these measurement projects, like the rest of the projects implemented by the company throughout its journey full of achievements, and the best evidence of this is our retention of a portfolio of satisfied clients with the services, and certificates of thanks and achievement issued by our customers are a source of pride for us, and we will always strive to maintain their trust.

Frequently asked questions:

It is the authority responsible for everything related to digital government. It is considered the national reference in its affairs and aims to regulate digital government work in government agencies.

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Our experts will give you a presentation on measuring government digital transformation 2024, for more details,

Do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact us now 055223965505558762330546379900