Preparing Operational Privatization Plans
Preparing Operational Privatization Plans
Achieving balance between efficiency and preserving social and economic interests requires a strategic vision through the preparation of precise operational plans in privatization, which contributes to enhancing economic growth and improving the quality of services provided to citizens.
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What are the advantages of privatization?
1- Improving efficiency and reducing costs
2- Providing financial resources for the government by selling assets and companies and converting them to
other investments
3- Enhancing market competition
4- Improving the quality of services

The most important steps that must be followed to achieve the benefits of privatization:
- Setting goals and objectives: The goals and objectives that the organization wants to achieve by implementing this system are determined
- Analysis of available resources: to determine the possibility of achieving specific goals and objectives and determine the resources required to implement them
- Analyze the processes used in the organization and determine which ones need to be improved or modified to achieve the specified goals and objectives
- Defining responsibilities: The responsibilities and powers of the individuals participating in the privatization system are determined and the shared responsibilities between them are also determined
- Developing and preparing plans: The necessary plans are developed to achieve the goals and objectives of the privatization system

We work to help our clients reach their goals and success by developing solid and effective strategies and plans
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An overview of the operational plans for the privatization system
The plans for the privatization system in government sectors aim to clarify how to implement strategic plans related to privatization and improve its performance, the plans may also include measures and precautions to deal with any potential problems or challenges that may face the implementation of the plans, which helps to avoid interruptions in the implementation of the plans and reduce their negative impact.
Benefits of operational plans
1- Preparing plans helps achieve the goals and objectives that have been set, as it provides clear and specific steps to achieve these goals
2- Providing the necessary guidance and plans on how to achieve goals and improve productivity and efficiency at work
3- Plans clarify tasks, set priorities, and plan tasks well
4- The plans work to clarify the standards and procedures necessary to improve the quality of services provided by the institution to beneficiaries

A specialized team of experts distinguished by extensive experience and efficiency works with clients to fully reach their goals
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How does RMG help you prepare operational plans?
Determine the goals and tasks that must be implemented to improve the privatization system in various government sectors
Identify available resources that can be used to implement these goals
Defining responsibilities and powers for both individuals and entities concerned with implementing plans
Establish a timetable for implementing specific tasks, including sub-goals
Defining key performance indicators accurately and transparently to measure the achievement of set goals and to evaluate the impact of the privatization system on the performance of government sectors
Communicate with customers on a permanent basis to periodically evaluate the impact of the privatization system on performance and identify areas that need development and improvement
It is the process of transferring ownership of a company, institution, agency, charity, or public service from the public sector or common use to the private sector or private non-profit organizations, this process is done in several ways, including selling shares to private investors, and buying management for ownership.
- Increased competition in markets
- Enhancing market dynamism
- Consumer response is faster and generates higher revenues
- Generating quick revenues for the government
- Enhancing the attraction of foreign direct investors, and improving the balance of payments
The plans for the privatization system in government sectors aim to clarify how to implement strategic plans related to privatization and improve performance
- Planning and implementing privatization strategies
- Preparing operational plans
- Developing corporates management framework
- Specialized training in privatization